50 Simple Free or Inexpensive Pleasures for day-to-day life
Everyone likes a bit of pleasure in life! The fantastic thing is most pleasures come cheap, or even better, free!
The following ideas are a great starter for appreciating the simple, special things in life.
Each simple pleasure you experience compounds into a great day, especially when you are more mindful and grateful for these opportunities.
Take the time each morning to think of 3 little things you can look forward to in the day to come, and then at the end of your day, reflect on 3 small pleasures you were grateful for experiencing. Simple pleasures enhance your wellbeing and your positivity, so indulge in them!
50 Simple Free or Inexpensive Pleasures for day-to-day life:
1. A clear desk and working space
2. A warm or fresh breeze
3. A mindful morning walk or jog
4. A fine dessert
5. A great read
6. A hike in the surrounding beauty of nature
7. A meaningful conversation with a close friend
8. Admiring the stars and the moon in the night sky
9. An empty inbox in your email
10. A classic old or new release movie
11. An uncluttered room to rest in
12. Being lazy on a Sunday after a busy week
13. Making bubble mixture and blowing bubbles
14. Completing a task on your to-do list
15. Cuddling a loved one or your pet
16. Indulging in a piece of chocolate
17. Drawing and colouring
18. Enjoying the sound of rain while keeping cosy
19. Floating in a pool
20. Cooking and enjoying fresh-baked treats
21. Having or giving a massage
22. Sharing a family picnic in nature
23. Helping someone out
24. Listening to good music, singing, dancing and letting go
25. Being affectionate and making Love
26. Putting a smile on someone’s face
27. Playing in a sandpit with you children or grandchildren
28. Pushing your child or grandchildren on a swing, or even your partner!
29. Saving your small change and watching it grow
30. Listening to your favourite podcast, an audible book or radio station
31. Sitting or lying on the grass and looking up at the drifting clouds
32. Snowball fights and snowy fun
33. Staring into the embers and flames of a fireplace
34. Taking a long relaxing shower or bath
35. Indulging in an afternoon nap on the sofa
36. Tea, Coffee or a nice hot chocolate
37. Sharing jokes and riddles with someone
38. The feeling after good exercise
39. Mowing the lawn and enjoying the look and smell of freshly cut grass
40. Playing a board game with your children, family or friends
41. Appreciating a clean and clear home
42. Walking barefoot on a sandy beach
43. Squelching through mud and puddles in waterproof boots
44. Seeing animals in nature
45. Listening to and enjoying the ocean, a stream or pond
46. Watching a sunrise or sunset
47. Enjoying your children or grandchildren playing
48. Seeing your kids play sport
49. Writing down your thoughts, ideas or reflections
50. Practicing yoga, stretching, tai chi, or meditation. All can be learned on YouTube if you can’t access live classes.
Want to learn more about Mindfulness, Minimalism and Self-Development? Click This Link!