In a Mess? Organise Your Clutter Following These 12 Rules.

We can all get ourselves into a mess of clutter. Sometimes, we just need to practice a few good habits to keep it in check.

When you are overwhelmed by your clutter and it just continues to build up and up, maybe it’s time you turn your good intentions into rules!

It’s so rewarding when you are able to maintain a living space that’s clear and clutter-free.  To enjoy a beautiful space without the anxiety of all the stuff pressing on your mind is truly freeing.

Many of us need a little kick to help us stay on top of things. Our busy lives filled with priorities means that we often forget the simple things that make our lives easier.

Practice these 12 decluttering habits daily:

  1. At the end of each day, completely clear and clean your workspace so it is fresh and ready for when you go back to it the next day.

  2. Clean your dishes as you finish them.  Get yourself a dish scrubber with detergent in the handle if it helps.  Clean the sink after each use as well and put away any dishes immediately after drying them.

  3. When you wash your hands, clean the sink as well.  Quickly clean the tap and faucet as well.

  4. Don’t impulse buy.  If you think you need or want something, delay it for 3 days, 7 days or even 30 days and see if you still desire it at the end.

  5. Don’t leave any clothing on the floor, surface, back of a chair or hanging from a doorknob. Hang it up where it should be hung, fold it and put it away or put it in your laundry basket.

  6. Every morning, make sure you are in touch with 3 tasks that you just have to get done before lunch.  Mornings are usually best time to get the more pressing and difficult tasks done before your personal will-power and other events start to complicate your day.

  7. Get in the Do, Delegate, Delay or Delete habit with your email and physical inbox.  “Do” what’s Urgent and Important, “Delegate” tasks to others whose job it is to get it done, “Delay” if it’s not so urgent and you are currently busy and “Delete” anything that is a wate of time and effort and has little to no impact on your work.

  8. Get in the habit of keeping your desk surface as clear as possible every time you leave it.  Put things back into your desk drawer or into files in a filing cabinet.

  9. Get in the habit of scanning a room as you enter it.  What is on the floor or on a surface that should not be?  Put it away.

  10. Keep all surfaces clear as much as possible when they are not in use.  This will help you to notice any clutter that appears and take action quickly.

  11. Quickly wipe down the shower as you are using it, particularly the glass.  Keep a small squeegee in there.

  12. Unsubscribe to all the emails that are unimportant and move pester mails to “junk,” marking them as spam.



These are a few rules to get you started on a path to making your decluttering life easier.  When we learn to “Tidy as we go,” we get much closer to an easy-to-maintain space and don’t spend hours on the weekend catching up.  Do you have any decluttering rules you personally follow?


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